Milking this morning was a pleasure! Anya spent her first whole night with her new herd and this morning she came right out and was ready to be milked. We did have a little trouble getting her on the stand but we made her a ramp and once we got her on the ramp she walked right up. She also refused to eat her feed the last two feedings but this morning she cleaned her bowl :) I did still use the horse lead and will continue for at least a few more milkings but I don't think she'll need it much longer. Also, we've been getting about 2 cups per milking, this morning she gave 3 cups :) I know most people go by weight but volume works for me.
I truly hope it continues! happy goat = happy people :)
Merry Day everyone !!
Congrats on the great milking. It is hard to get started but once they get it down it is pretty easy.
That's wonderful , so much better when you have a pleasant milking session , hopefully it'll continue to get easier.
~ Many Blessings ~
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