Wild Moon Cottage is a small working homestead in the pristine Ozark Mountains. We have dairy goats, poultry, organic herb and vegetable gardens, a start of a tiny fruit orchard, several black walnut trees, wild berries and fields of wildcrafting goodness. We raise our own milk, our own eggs, much of our own medicine and food. I do laundry by hand, make my own vinegar, candles, soap, bread, cheese ........ For a living I am an artist and herbalist. My goal for myself and our homestead is to be as self sufficient and self sustaining as possible.

Monday, September 20, 2010

9.20.10 Curiouser & Curiouser

Last night I dreamed of a mask and a door. The door was standing in a wall of ivy and when I opened it, all I could see were stars.

What if we are just dreams ourselves ...

I started painting last night. I had started once before but somehow. Somehow it got pushed aside, crowded out. Anyway, I started painting last night so that i could paint my dream.

I've also been working on a couple of Jujus and gathering things for a third. The Dancer and The Doorkeeper. the third is yet unnamed.

When I make a Juju a give it a special basket, and then as I find things that belong to that Juju I put them in. In The Dancers' basket there's a mask, a vine, some small leaves, a crow feather, a crystal ball, some old lace, a few small stars and a ribbon. In The Doorkeepers' basket there's a piece of driftwood, a root, a cedar rose, moss, a large wooden star, a tiny nest and some tiny eggs. In the third basket there's a wish bone, an onion skin, an echinacea top and 2 feathers.

I've been seeing the numbers again. they had completely stopped for a time, then I would see one here or there and now it's a bit more often. I absolutely love life down the rabbit hole but in truth it can sometimes be a little odd :)

I've been working on remaking my herb shop and I've come up with some wonderful new teas. I will always make medicinals because it's simply a part of my path but, I also love blending for taste and sensation. Some of the blends I've come up with (and had the joy of testing) are ...

Misty Mountain
Forest Berry
Aztec Mint

I've also come up with two new regular medicinals

Old Crow - for achy joints
Valkyrie - for sore raw throats

Tomorrow I'll be calling the house guy to see what his version of a resolution is. More prayers and energies would be greatly appreciated. I know that things will happen as they should but I believe that there are many paths to the same destination and I'm hoping for the smoothest one possible :)

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