The Blazer is fixed properly. The cabin is sold. The porch has a good prospect of being sold. And! an offer was accepted on, what I believe will be, our new home :) :) It's not a done deal at all until the closing and all papers signed but .... well, I will wait to say more until things are official :)
Our Thanksgiving menu was very different this year. We're usually very traditional when it comes to Feast days but things are very unconventional this year in a great many ways. Nik asked for pizza and macaroni n cheese and the Thanksgiving fairy granted his wish. So our 2010 Thanksgiving menu ...
Pepperoni and black olive pizza
Pineapple and ham pizza
Macaroni n cheese
Salad with a creamy ranch dressing
Pumpkin Spice tea (actually a failed experiment that came out oddly tasting like pumpkin spice :)
Small Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting *o*
Small pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting.
We are warm, stuffed, very happy and incredibly blessed :)
As for the moving .... The goat fence is down and the goats are living in the chicken pen, they're very displeased and acting like angry children with horns. We still have quite a few posts to pull up and most of the dog fence to take down but we're certainly getting there.
The attic is empty and there is now a very small path through the house to the essentials. I went ahead and shut down my site and shops because I no longer have anywhere to prepare the teas. I also went ahead and packed most of my herbs and teas and all of my art supplies etc. At first the house seemed bigger with empty walls and shelves but now it seems very small indeed. Still, I am so thankful to have had the Burrow these years. It has always kept us safe and sheltered and today it glows with joy, celebration and much gratitude.
We've started getting duck eggs again :) It started with one a week and now one every other day. We only have the 2 Runner hens (Lilly & Lola) but each egg is a most excellent addition for baking and very greatly appreciated. We're still only getting one chicken egg a day but that's a vast improvment over getting none at all :)
And now a recipe. I found this a few weeks ago and tho I haven't tried it, I surely intend to and expect to love it.
Olde Fashioned Cranberry Sauce
1 pound fresh cranberries
2 cups sugar
1 cup orange juice
1 small cinnamon stick
6 cloves
6 crushed juniper berries
Grated zest of 1 orange
Simmer the cranberries in the orange juice until soft.
Now add the remaining ingredients and cook until a drop sets on the cold plate.
Now pour the mixture in small, clean, hot jars and seal.
Cranberry sauce is ready
Have an incredibly wonderful day
(((((((((((( Friends & Family )))))))))))
(((((((((((( Friends & Family )))))))))))
Dear Juli and Nik-
this all sounds very very good and we're so happy for you- we love you very much!
Juli an Nik, sounds like things are going better an your Thanksgiving dinner sounds wonderful I love Pizza at anytime. Bless you both.
I am so glad to hear your news and I love your Feast! All sounds like it is going well and in the right direction, Juli. Blessings on you both.
Awesome Possum on the move! Pineapple and ham is my favorite pizza! Can't wait to see the new place!
Happy belated Thanksgiving , sounds like things are hopefully coming together for you. Those pizzas look delicious!
~ Be Blessed ~
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