I got all the tomato seeds I want started, except the Romas and I'll start those soon. The Romas are mainly for us, the rest are for us and to sell or trade at Market.
Tennessee Surprise
English Rose
Tumbling Toms
Italian Market
I'm really hoping I'll be able to get a good amount canned this year! But first we also need to prepare the garden, which is a little worrisome since it's not prepared. The tiller string broke the first day we tried it, that's fixed only to discover that our fuel cans are empty. I'm hoping I can find someone with a tractor to plow it up for me this first year. I can and have started from scratch with only a shovel and hoe but it very hard work and this is the largest garden space i've ever had.
I'm also looking into carefully burning off the garden spot and the pond field. very careful so nothing else gets burned but it would make quick work of the things I don't want in the garden or that field and the ash will help fertilize the soil. Burning large things freaks me out tho so i want to be sure we can do it properly and keep it under control.
Just last night there was a huge blaze a few miles down the road. We drove down to see if we could help but they thought it was a controlled fire. I guess it was but it's the biggest I've ever seen. Today there was only smoke and it has rained off and on.
We also got a good portion of an outdoor shower made. I ended up having to give the water trough back to the goats because they broke the larger water bucket I gave them instead. So no bathtub. The shower is made from Nik's old bunk bed. I used it at the old place for water storage but it's best use is a shower (cause I REALLY need one!).
I also been enjoying some most excellent gifts.
My friend Rose sent me a flash drive with information on herbal and natural household cleaners. A lot of them i already use but there are also a lot I hadn't thought of or knew about. It's great information! And I'll share what I learn here as well :)
The my friend Joyce sent me a wonderful box of seeds and things. Tons of lettuces (My Precious) and garlics, some violet plants and! some Violet Jelly.
Many thanks to both !
I will now be adding to my garden planting list ..
Heirloom Acres Lettuce mix
Romaine Paris White lettuce
Paprika peppers
Pimiento peppers
Spaghetti squash
Tall Mammoth Sunflowers
Italian red garlic
Susanville garlic
And, speaking of bounty .... The hens are starting to lay very well. We're at an average of 3 eggs a day, some days 4, for 5 laying hens. And next weekend we should be getting our Buff Orpington pullets! Soon we'll have enough eggs to share and make breakfast quiche :)
Thistle is also giving a little more milk now. Not a lot more and it's still not enough but any extra is a very good thing. I got her back up to 2/3 of a cup after she went dry because of the stress of the move. For the last few nights she's given a little over that, just under a full cup. Still no milk for cereal but some milk for cooking and baking, which can be watered down to go further. Like for the chocolate cake I made this evening.
My parents have an outdoor shower and I love it when I visit...it is well water and about 53 degrees, but in 102 degree warmth its pretty refreshing!
I love the outdoor shower! And the idea to plant around it is genius...it will be beautiful AND smell nice!
Hi Julie ~ The outdoor shower looks good and I love the idea of planting around it to make use of your grey water. The crocus looks beautiful , singing of Spring.
Glad you've received the garlic and seeds.
~ Many Blessings ~
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