Wild Moon Cottage is a small working homestead in the pristine Ozark Mountains. We have dairy goats, poultry, organic herb and vegetable gardens, a start of a tiny fruit orchard, several black walnut trees, wild berries and fields of wildcrafting goodness. We raise our own milk, our own eggs, much of our own medicine and food. I do laundry by hand, make my own vinegar, candles, soap, bread, cheese ........ For a living I am an artist and herbalist. My goal for myself and our homestead is to be as self sufficient and self sustaining as possible.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4.29.10 Pictures from around The Burrow

I've been trying to post here for a few days but blogger seems to be having some troubles, or maybe aol having trouble with blogger. Who knows, I'm here now :)
Tiny Kirin turning into a cat :)
Anya, Queen of Spool

2nd goat pen.
This is the larger pen and where they mainly browse.
Both the house pen and this pen will get larger as i get fencing.
We'll also be fencing in around the cabin which will become the barn.

Free mulch
it's green and will shrink as it dries but it's still a mighty good amount of mulch :)

Chive blooms :)

1 comment:

Ah Ngao said...

Anya is very cute.is the mulch a feed for Anya too? i have been to Perth, Australia and i finds a lot of flies in the bushes.they just appears out of nowhere. are there any thing like mosquitoes over your place? - areas around the scrubs near forest?